What We Do

Restaurant success isn't magic. It's knowing your operations inside-out, understanding what customers crave, and staying ahead of industry trends.  At Shemroon Hospitality, we cut to the chase: increasing your restaurant's profit margin.  Our years of experience and dedication to client results guarantee it.

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Shemroon Hospitality:  Guiding Restaurants Towards Success

1. Restaurant Launch & Growth
From concept to creation, Shemroon Hospitality provides a roadmap for your restaurant's success. Whether you're a first-time restaurateur or an established business looking to expand, our launch and growth services empower you to navigate every stage of the journey.  Here's what we offer:

Project Management
  • Concept Development & Creative Services: We collaborate with you to develop a unique concept that reflects your culinary passion. From crafting a captivating brand story to designing a vibrant atmosphere, we bring your vision to life through compelling menus, signage, and interior design that resonates with your target audience.
  • Kitchen Services: We ensure your kitchen runs smoothly and profitably. Our services encompass menu implementation, specializing in delivery and catering options. We guide you through menu pricing, optimize food sourcing and costing, and connect you with reliable vendors. Additionally, we can assist with kitchen design and layout, as well as selecting the right equipment to maximize efficiency and productivity.
  • Real Estate Services: From finding the perfect location to securing the best lease terms, we handle all your real estate needs. Our services include site selection based on demographics, negotiation expertise, and representation for both landlords and tenants. Whether you're merging with another business or acquiring new property, we ensure your real estate decisions support your restaurant's long-term success.

2. Restaurant Optimization
Is your restaurant operating at peak efficiency? Shemroon Hospitality can help you identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to streamline your operations and boost your bottom line. Our optimization services encompass:

  • Operations Services: We streamline your day-to-day operations for maximum efficiency. Our services encompass selecting the right POS and back office systems, staff recruitment and training, and establishing systems for bar service, cash handling, and delivery/catering operations. We also develop comprehensive manuals, policies, and procedures to ensure smooth workflows. Additionally, we can conduct food safety audits and implement robust food safety systems for complete peace of mind.
  • Menu Development & Pricing: Our experts will help you create a menu that is both delicious and profitable. We specialize in menu engineering, ensuring your menu offerings are balanced and contribute to overall profitability. We also guide you through strategic menu pricing to maximize customer value and revenue.
  • Marketing Strategy: In today's competitive landscape, a strong marketing strategy is essential for attracting and retaining customers. We develop targeted marketing campaigns that reach your ideal audience and effectively communicate your brand message.

3. Persian & Mediterranean Expertise
Shemroon Hospitality brings a special focus to restaurants specializing in Persian and Mediterranean cuisine.  Our team's deep understanding of these culinary traditions allows us to provide tailored guidance and support, ensuring your restaurant authentically captures the essence of these rich flavors.  Here's how we can help:

  • Concept Development: We assist in developing unique concepts that celebrate Persian and Mediterranean cuisine, considering factors like regional specialties, dietary preferences, and modern trends.
  • Menu Development: Our chefs and culinary experts possess a deep knowledge of Persian and Mediterranean ingredients and cooking techniques. We can help you craft menus that are both innovative and authentic, featuring dishes that will tantalize your customers' taste buds.
  • Catering & Delivery: We can help you develop specialized catering menus that showcase the vibrant flavors of Persian and Mediterranean cuisine. Additionally, we can assist in optimizing your delivery operations to ensure your delicious food arrives fresh and appealing to your customers.

    As part of our services, we provide the following:

    Funding & Financial Services
    Securing funding can be a critical step for launching or growing your restaurant. Shemroon Hospitality offers a range of financial services to support your needs:

    • Investor Presentations: We can help you craft compelling investor presentations that effectively communicate your restaurant concept, market opportunity, and financial projections.
    • Fundraising & Angel Investors: We can assist you in identifying and connecting with potential investors, including angel investors, who can provide the capital to fuel your restaurant's growth.
    • Investor Evaluation: We can help you analyze and evaluate potential investors, ensuring that you secure funding from partners who are aligned with your vision and goals.
    • Forensic Analysis:  Should you require an in-depth analysis of your restaurant's financial health, we offer forensic accounting services to identify areas for improvement and inform strategic decision-making.

      Project Management

      Whether you're launching a new restaurant or revitalizing an existing one, seamless project management is crucial. We bring a structured and efficient approach to every aspect of your project, ensuring timely completion and a successful outcome.

      Quality development

      We ensure your restaurant operates at peak performance through expert guidance in menu engineering, efficient operations, and innovative kitchen design. We believe in the power of high-quality food and service to create lasting customer loyalty.

      Business marketing

      In today's competitive landscape, a strong brand presence is key. We help you develop targeted marketing strategies that reach your ideal audience and effectively communicate your unique value proposition. From social media to targeted online advertising, we equip you with the tools to attract and retain customers.
      Project Management